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Founded in October 2001, PC Specialistz was started to bring a more personal

service to the computer service industry. Taking the time to listen and understand what

the client needs are and implementing the best solutions PC Specialistz guarantees results.

Our company philosophy is to treat our clients as we would like to be treated.


PC Specialistz believes that a smaller computer company can provide a more

personal service superior to those offered by the larger computer companies. We also

believe that for a company to be successful, you must be knowledgeable in the service

you provide. Our success is attributed in-depth to our commitment to our clients and

that we have the unique ability to address their needs in a more expeditious manner.


Our mission here at PC Specialistz is to provide a high quality of client care and that

each of our technicians are capable of handling our client's needs from the beginning to completion.


PC Specialistz

PO Box 540743

Grand Prairie, Tx. 75054

(972) 213-1081 toll free (888) 857-7880